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Choir direction


The Mantra Choir is led by Kevin Oliver Groner.

- Composer

- Conductor

- Yoga and meditation teacher

Sing Offers


every Thursday, 7:45 p.m., in the "Nandalayoga" Zurich,
For dates see under Kirtan .

Kirtan is the classic way of chanting mantras. The sound and meaning of the mantras (spiritual power words, affirmations) are internalized more deeply with many repetitions, mostly through auditions and repetitions, and thus open up very special dimensions in us. Kirtan singing is suitable for anyone who wants to calm their mind, experience emotional cleansing and find inner peace. Mantra chanting can also lead to ecstatic states of being. 


every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the "Kirchgemeindehaus Wiedikon", Bühlstrasse 9/11, 8055 Zürich.
For information on singing along, see "Choir".

The choir projects usually last about a few months and begin with a taster evening. In the first rehearsals You can see how it feels and if the project fits for you, for a comittement to join the choir-project. A strong community feeling develops, we grow and develop together vocally, as an ensemble and spiritually. With an unique performance the project will find its ending.
The choir projects are suitable for everyone who not only loves singing mantras, but also loves a little "challenge" and wants to develop their voice further.

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Einige nennenswerte Partners, mit denen wir schon zusammen kooperiert haben, oder die wir sehr empfehlen können:
Yogastudio mit indischem Tempel-flair, nur 5 min Gehminuten Vom Hb Zürch
Ecstatic Dance im Zollikerberg mit grossartigen Bands und Djs
Amit Sharma, Lehrer für indisch klassichen Dhrupad Gesang

Hatha-Yogalehrerin mit viel Erfahrung
Hatha Yoga mit Mantrasingen
Djane mit viel Lebensfreude und spannenden Collabs
Marlies Kühne, Donscious Djane, Event-Veranstalterin

Offene Yoga-Lektionen in der St. Jakobs-Kirche Zürich

Bela Pete
Yogalehrer und Veranstalter von Openyoga & Boot-Yoga-Ferien

Festival für Musik und Tanz in Solothurn, Schweiz mit tollen Musik-Kursen

Angela Blank, Yogalehrerin und Yoga-Studio-Leiterin

Self Realization fellowship Meditations-Zentrum in der Tradition Paramahansa Yoganandas

Hare Krishna Tempel Zürich

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